Sunday, September 12, 2010

No Minors

I have to admit, I find the existence of alcohol amusing. I mean, it's funny how in every culture and environment around the world -- people have found things to ferment and consume. In Russia, it's potatoes. In Japan, rice. Grapes, peaches, berries, honey, sugar cane, wheat, hops... rot them under pressure, and you can feature them at your next party.

In my yard, it's apples. Every summer I battle with hundreds of rotten smelly rotten mushy rotten apples from my mini-orchard. If I don't keep up, the yard exudes a smelly mushy rotten quality, so I try to keep it picked up. I gingerly collect a soggy brown ball that reeks of sour yeast. I think, "Hmmmmm, in some quadrants this would be called hard cider." I wonder that it could ever occur to a man to put such a product into his person. And what about fermented potatoes, berries, corn? Is it not somehow ridiculous and amazing that every culture and time period has discovered and willingly partaken?

I don't drink. Among the many reasons, my survival instincts demand I don't eat rotten mush.

That's all.


  1. I bet someone ate a piece of produce that was too far gone, and then liked the buzz it gave them. :)

  2. This just showed up in my reader. Not sure why now instead of before.

  3. Ha ha ha! That's what I say about bleu cheese too. If it has to rot to be good, it should not be eaten!
